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Clear postfix mailqueues

sudo postsuper -d ALL

You are NOT a Software Engineer!

You are not a Software Engineer. You do not build skyscrapers. You do not build bridges. You grow gardens. You…

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio …

Warning Message: Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and…

And backing up gitorious

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Benjamin Podszun < benjamin.pods…> wrote: > What I want to know: How…


Having spent some time battling with gitorious found a nice script here, (b)logging for my own reference: Public Clone URL:…

Nice one – dump part of SVN repo

Today at work at Fronde I needed to create a dump of a ‘project’ inside a repository. Our SVN setup…

Certified Scrum Master

As of today I’m officially a Certified Scrum Master. Passed online assessment with a score of 91. So still some…